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Online Book and Video Study starting this September: The Truth in Our Stories - Centering Immigrant Voices for Faithful Growth

made possible by a grant from Discipleship Ministries of the United Methodist Church

Placing immigration and immigrants in a political silo separate from daily discipleship not only dismisses scripture and misses opportunities to grow in faith and join in God’s mission for the world, it eliminates an opportunity to stand in the presence of Jesus. “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me,” says the Son of Man to those who saw a stranger and chose welcome (Matthew 25:40).

Just like Jesus taught through story and the bulk of our Bible is stories that teach us about relationship with God and one another, we believe a primary entry point for study and spiritual growth in regard to the command to "love the stranger" (Deuteronomy 10:19) is to listen to the stories of our immigrant neighbors in their own words. Not all of our immigrant neighbors feel empowered to share their stories, unsure if they can trust the people around them to listen. Thankfully, as part of a collaborative project, we worked with 12 immigrants eager to share their stories in their own words - not just focused on the literal migration but also realities of life as an immigrant in the United States today.


As Christians, we are called to the ministries of both mercy and justice. The work of mercy will be never-ending until the work of justice moves forward, the voices on the margins are centered, and the fullness of the Body of Christ is united with no member being told “I have no need of you” (1 Corinthians 12:21).


Join us this September to take a step forward through reading and prayer, watching and listening, questions and conversation.

Eight of the immigrants featured in the book also share their story in video format.

Click to view a preview of some of the stories.

Study details

Sessions will be held on the Zoom platform.

There are four options for day and time you choose to attend:
Thursdays at 11am and 7pm, Saturdays at 10am, and Sundays at 5pm. 

Sessions start on September 12th, 14th, and 15th.

If you have a conflict with one of your scheduled sessions, we hope you can join one of the other options in the week rather than miss out altogether.

eBooks and paperback copies are available from major retailers online and can be ordered by most independent stores. Paperback copies purchased directly from the JFON shop help provide free immigration legal services and will be discounted through the month of August.

Study details

Sample Book Cover - The Truth in Our Stories.png

The Truth in Our Stories is a book that presents twelve compelling stories highlighting the immigrant experience, centering the voices of immigrants in their own words. These testimonies are unapologetically honest and reveal the horrid conditions and crippling fear that continue to characterize the lives of immigrants throughout the United States.

Yet, there is hope.

These stories challenge the public narrative about immigrants and dismantle the myths that lead to their persecution. While the stories shared in this book are full of hardship, the immigrants who share them shine with resilience and fortitude. As the fight for immigrant justice continues unfolding, we hope this book will help restore a sense of shared humanity and passion for dignity and justice for immigrant neighbors.

Dr. Jesse Esparza, professor and interim department chair for History, Geography, and General Studies at Texas Southern University, contributed a brief and brilliant summary of the history of U.S. immigration as an introduction to the book.

Part Two of the book delves into data that undergirds details from the stories in Part One and more, correcting misinformation and highlighting how integral immigrants are in our communities today.

The Truth in Our Stories book and video series is a collaborative project by The Undocumented Stories and Justice for Our Neighbors of Austin, made possible by a grant from the Institute for Diversity and Civic Life through the generous support of the Henry Luce Foundation.

Books are for sale
the JFON Shop

Julie Fuschak

Thank you to our book sponsors, whose generosity maximizes the impact

of every book purchased

from the JFON Shop:

Central Texas

Methodist Federation

for Social Action

CenTex MFSA supports "The Truth in Our Stories" in memory of 

Julie Fuschak, a passionate supporter of Austin Region JFON and an instrumental figure in organizing clinics in Georgetown, Texas during ARJFON's early years.

Thanks for signing up! We are excited to share opportunities to work together for justice.

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General Contact/Contacto General:

Mailing Address:

Austin Region JFON

PO Box 17516

Austin, TX 78760

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Austin Region Justice for Our Neighbors. All rights reserved. Proudly created with


Austin Region Justice for Our Neighbors is an affiliate chapter of the Immigration Law & Justice Network (formerly National Justice for Our Neighbors), serving immigrants seeking legal status through 19 sites across the United States.

Through the Immigration Law and Justice Network, we are members of AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association), CLINIC (Catholic Immigration Legal Network), and NIPNLG (National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild.)

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